This is a list of Teachers and Staff at Alban for the 2024-2025 school year, Email addresses are provided so you can contact staff directly. You can also call the school at 304-722-0234 for assistance.
Johnna Jacobs
[email protected]
Terri Gill
Nola Willard
Tara Jeffers
EBD Teacher
Heather Williams
EBD Aide
Tara Novik
Pre-K Teacher
Angela Brothers
Pre-K Aide
Tonda Tryon
Patti Goodwin
Rhonda O’Daniels
Kindergarten Teacher
Christa Lucas
Kindergarten Aide
Bethany Lovejoy
Christine Simpson
Theresa Durrett
Jackie Adams
Jamie Click
First Grade Teacher
Melissa Midkiff
First Grade Aide
Olivia Fleck
Kelley Braley
Sara MaGrath
Misty Lynch
Holly Lampl
Second Grade Teacher
Olivia Facemire
Second GradeAide
Bryan "Scott" Justice
Donielle Scott
Sydney Hamrick
Third Grade Teacher
Deidra Kelley
Miranda Mallory
Fourth Grade Teacher
Cayla Cartmill
Nancy Michael
Fifth Grade Teacher
Michael Estep
(Long term sub for Kayla Bellew)
Jaci Grigsby
Physical Education
Michelle Ware
Andrew Winter
Kim McCoy
Kyle French
Instructional Coach
Kay Atkins
Special Educator
Mandy Grant
(Long term sub for Bethany Brannon)
Kasey Samples
Gifted Educator
Deanna Racer
Brittiany Hanshaw
Joanna Shortt
Brandi Groves
Cathy Holstein
Jody Harold
Elaine Byrd
Speech Therapist
Mark Frantz
Head Custodian
Jerry Comer
Donna Shrewsbury
Head Cook
Dawn Lynch
Kim Fisher